Account Information

Last Update 9/15/2024 6:17:52 AM
Parcel Number Geo Parcel # Property Type Status
471280021 471280021 Real Active
Tax Bill Id: 47316716 Choose a Payment Option Selected Payment Amount
Tax Year: 2022
Due Date: 5/31/2023
Net Tax $457.52
Penalty: $45.74
Interest: $20.59

Total: $523.85
Please contact the Tax Collector's office to pay this bill.
Tax Year: 2022
Due Date: 10/2/2023
Net Tax $457.52
Penalty: $83.80
Interest: $20.59

Total: $561.91
Please contact the Tax Collector's office to pay this bill.
Tax Bill Id: 47316716 Choose a Payment Option Selected Payment Amount