1. To begin the plan, I must pay all the current year taxes, including any supplemental or escaped assessments that may be due, in full prior to April 10 as well as deposit 20% of the amount presently required to redeem the property and a set-up fee as the 1st payment on the installment Payment Plan.
2. Prior to each April 10th, I will be mailed an annual courtesy notice from the Tax Collector as to the Installment Payment Plan (IPP) amount due. The IPP amount due is the total of the original 20% of the unpaid taxes plus the accrued interest of 1½% per month (months are counted from your previous payment) computed on the unpaid balance and an annual maintenance fee.
3. I must pay BOTH the current year property taxes, including any supplemental or escaped assessments which may be due, and the IPP payment in full on or before April 10th of each year, otherwise this installment payment plan arrangement will terminate automatically without prior notice.
4. I will keep the Tax Collector promptly informed of any changes in mailing address, and will note whether the change is to affect the mailing address on my Installment Payment Plan.
5. I will accept full responsibility to pay the annual taxes and installments due even though I may, for some reason, fail to receive either the current year tax bill, and/or installment payment courtesy notice from the Tax Collector before the April 10th deadline.
6. Interest will continue to be added to the balance due on my assessment(s) until all the prior year taxes are paid in full.
7. Under California law, should this Payment Plan terminate for failure to pay either the current year taxes or the installment payment by the April 10th deadline, a re-calculation of the redemption amount will occur. This will result in substantial penalties being added to the amount then necessary to redeem. I may also forfeit my right to reinstate or start a new payment plan arrangement. My property may become subject to tax sale by the County Tax Collector if the prior year taxes have remained unpaid for five years or more.
8. All my rights, payment obligations, and liabilities resulting from non-payment of the current year taxes and/or installment payment are governed by Section 4216 through and including 4337 of the California Revenue and Taxation Code.
Basic requirements for eligibility (Eligibility must be determined for each individual assessment):
For addtional information and Frequently Asked Questions please click HERE
I agree, continue...